Open: by appointment & every last weekend of the month

Rotterdam Art Gallery

Art Gallery Voûte

We are independent, unconventional (sometimes to the point of being nonconformist), and have an international orientation. Our style can be described as somewhat eclectic. But above all: we focus on quality.




Our contemporary art collection consists of paintings, sculptures, photographs and glassware art. We specialize in high-quality bronze sculptures. We have high standards when it comes to accepting art in our collection. Keywords: innovative, colourful, lively and challenging.




Currently the gallery represents about 50 renowned and up-and-coming artists: Diet Wiegman, Joop Polder, Walter van Oel and Anthon Hoornweg, to name but a few. Look over here for the entire artists overview. We aim at making the art in our gallery available to a large variety of audiences and potential clients. To achieve this, we organize bi-monthly group exhibitions, but also show our collection at various general art exhibitions, both in the Netherlands and abroad.


We founded the ‘Holland Art Expo’, with the goal to internationally promote Dutch artists in collaboration with Dutch Embassies and companies. As a result, we so far set up exhibitions in Dubai (UAE), Doha (Qatar), Mandelieu-la-Napoule (France), Ibiza (Spain) and London (UK). The vast international network of galleries we belong to is instrumental in this.

Edwin & Annemarie Voûte
Edwin & Annemarie Voûte



Buying or selling art is a question of trust. If you are interested in selling or buying works of art, or even in creating your own art collection, but feel lost in a world that is not your own, Art Gallery Voûte can help. We closely monitor the art market and are specialists in providing clients with legal and fiscal advice with regard to procuring and selling art and/or developing an art collection. Edwin Voûte has a legal background himself, and works together with specialized lawyers and tax specialists to answer all your questions and give tailormade advice.




We are working with various partners like Restaurant Fred (**), Brasserie Stadhuis, Sdam (Schiedam Promotion Foundation), Ouwehands Zoo, Swinckels Superior Pilsener, Grote- of SintJanskerk Schiedam and Dick Renses Photography.




If you want to keep posted about our exhibitions and receive a personal invitation, just send an email to or click on Join the mailing list at the top of the page.




Nothing beats seeing art in person. So do come by for a visit.


OPEN: by appointment


Explore the collection

Art Gallery Voûte 

Lange Nieuwstraat 191

3111 AJ Schiedam

Phone + 31 651 922 582


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